System Design for Modern Recommendation System
System Requirement
- Design a recommender system to recommend top 10 items for the user on e-commerce platform
- Model retraining pipeline
Define the Business Goal
What is valuable to the e-commerce platform?
- Most of the e-commerce’s income comes from the partial of cash flow between customer and seller. Increase the platform transaction amount is what we care about.
Setting the
Online Evaluation Metric
base on our goal- GMV (Gross Merchandise Value) = Page View * Checkout Conversion Rate * Average Order Value
Usually online evaluation metric could be multiple at the early stage of the recommender system
- ex
- checkout CVR
- add-to-cart CVR
- favorite CVR
- ex
Define the Offline Evaluation for the Ranking System
How to define the score for ranking the items?
- score = p1^a * p2^b * p3^c * price of item
- p1 = checkout conversion rate
- p2 = add-to-cart conversion rate
- p3 = click through rate
- a, b, c are tunable hyperparameter
- score = p1^a * p2^b * p3^c * price of item
Evaluation metrics
Define Each Row Structure of the Dataset
- <user profile, item profile, score>
- User profile
- User ID
- User preference
- User behavior
- Demographic property
- Item profile
- Item ID
- Seller’s information
- Item content
- Item statistical features
- user rating
- like, click, buying rate in last 7/30 days
- Score
- Calculate from the user and item interaction
- Score = p1^a * p2^b * p3^c * price of item
- p1 = checkout conversion rate
- p2 = add-to-cart conversion rate
- p3 = click through rate
- a, b, c are tunable hyperparameter
Baseline Ranking Algorithm
- Are there any ranking service existed in online service?
- Rule based
- Ranking directly by item’s like, click, buying rate
Ranking Model
- Matrix factorization
- Two tower’s model
System Design Architecture
- Vector database
- Store item’s vector by model offline inference
- Kafka
- Handling the user events in real-time
Design Deep Dive - Multi-Stage Ranking System
- Directly using only two tower’s model would maybe reach the performance limit
- It’s usually has business purpose for inserting particular item
Phase 1: Retrieval
- Purpose
- First stage for generate the potential candidate
- Reduce the loading for the computation
- Multiple recall channels
- Item-based collaborative filter
- Content based filter
- Good for cold start
- Model
- Two tower’s model
- Store the item vector into vector database
- Two tower’s model
- Purpose
Phase 2: Filter
- Purpose
- Filter the items bought by the user
- Filter the empty remaining item
- Filter the item scored 0 by the user
- Purpose
Phase 3: Rank
- Purpose
- Use more complex model to capture the dependency between the feature and output score for getting more accurate ranking
- Model
- Deep Cross Network
- Factorize Machine
- Caching the ranking result
- Purpose
Phase 4 Filter
- Purpose
- Filtering user’s page selection
- price
- product type
- Filtering user’s page selection
- Purpose
Phase 5: Re-rank
- Purpose
- Avoid to putting near items together
- Inserting particular time for every N items for business purpose
- Purpose
Design Deep Dive - Training Pipeline
- Item Index/Model update
- Fully update
- Update the model and the item index at every 00:00 night which has lowest system concurrency
- Incrementally update
- To achieve online learning
- Update the model and the item index for every 5 minutes/ 1 hour
- Only update the item with new ID
- Fully update